Samburu Warriors Traditional polulation Statistics Establishment

The Samburu people usually got a unique way of recording exact warriors at a given age set by use of cowrie shell sewn on a special skin of sacred oxen that anoints , an age set leader (/Launoni ) and his assistance (/Labaru Nkeene ).
High number of Samburus have not attained formal education , hence employed their own unique indigenous way of records keeping method.

The culture of documenting the population of the community warriors is a valued practice. In the absence of books to write down their identities , indigenous knowledge comes in handy .
Using cowrie shell stitched on the thong cut ( Nkeene ) from the bull chest , which make it easy to establish their population at any given time.
Something similar to central bureau of statics maintain an accurate figure of the Moran’s in a particular clan.
The Samburu have eight clans who are spread across four counties Samburu, Marsabit, Isiolo and Laikipia .
Cowrie shell ‘ Sikira ‘ help in keeping accurate records . Every mother to a Moran is required to bring two cowrie shells which are stitched to the skin ( Nkeene ) to represent his son.
The mother of one of the leaders anointed on the material day ( Lmuget lenkarna ) more so assistance ( Labaru Nkeene ) of a particular age set keeps the stitched cowrie shell thong ( Nkeene )/strapped along a special kudu horn ( Mowuo ) safely throughout the morans rite of passage.
It is constantly cleaned and sheep fat smeared as a way of preservation.
In case a Moran pass on , his cowrie shells are removed and thrown away to maintain exact warriors population .
When the warriors marries , a ceremony is later held known as Adee mowuo .. Official removal of the cowrie shells, hence each takes away the cowrie shells and handover to their wife , who will use them to make bracelet for their first born.
© Leadekei Alois

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